How to Benchmark and Report
Step by Step Overview
If you own, manage, or represent a building that will be reporting:
Get your EWRB ID
The EWRB ID is a unique number assigned to each large building owner. If you haven't received this by mail, contact EWRB Support at 1-844-274-0689, or by email at You will need to provide information to validate your request.
Collect your reporting information
You will need use type data and utility usage data.
- You can determine use type data by measuring the gross floor area dedicated to each property use type in your building.
- Your utility usage data is available from your utility bills and invoices, or if you don't have them by contacting your local energy and water utilities.
York Region utility providers:
Open a Portfolio Manager account
Submitting Data through Portfolio Manager for Ontario's Energy and Water Reporting and Benchmarking Initiative
Download the Benchmarking Guide for Ontario and follow the step by step instructions for setting up your Portfolio Manager account and getting started with entering your data
Need help with Portfolio manager?
Call us at: 1.866.280.4431
or email us at:
Submit your report
After verifying your data, submit your report on the Portfolio Manager EWRB page by July 1.
After entering your building data in Portfolio Manager, submit your 2023 report (2022 data) by following the instructions here .