Benchmarking FAQ's
What is Portfolio Manager?
Portfolio Manager is a free, secure web-based building-rating tool that was created by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The tool compares energy and water consumption, as well as greenhouse gas emissions across a single building or a portfolio of buildings. You can access Portfolio Manager at
Portfolio Manager is managed by Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) in collaboration with the United States Environmental Protection Agency. You will be inputting your data into a Canadian version, which is managed by NRCan and includes Canadian source energy, greenhouse gas emissions factors, and weather data.
How do I use Portfolio Manager?
Link to Portfolio Manager
A how to report guide is available to download
You can contact us for further support at:
How do I get an EWRB ID and Assessment Roll number for my building?
Your EWRB ID is a unique six-digit number generated by the Ministry of Energy, Northern Development and Mines. The ministry will email your EWRB ID to you, along with confirmation of the reporting deadline each year. This email will also include your Assessment Roll Number (15 digits long).
Your Assessment Roll Number can also be found on your property assessment and tax bill.
Condominium Corporation agents without access to their bill will be provided with an Assessment Roll Number if they provide a utility bill to confirm they represent the condominium corporation.
If you do not have your EWRB I.D., contact Ontario EWRB Support at:
What are some examples of common building improvements that building owners undertake to reduce their energy and water consumption?
Examples of common building improvements that owners or their agents can undertake to reduce their energy and water consumption include installing LED lighting, installing more efficient electric motors and pumps and building operations system recommissioning. There may be incentives available through your utilities for several conservation measures.
Is this a monthly or an annual reporting requirement?
Building owners are required to report their building's monthly energy and water consumption and usage information for the entire calendar year once per year.
What information will be publicly disclosed?
Information that will be disclosed on a building-by-building basis will include building performance information such as ENERGY STAR score, energy, water and greenhouse gas intensity, building age and confirmation of whether data was verified by an accredited or certified professional.
The ministry will not publicly disclose the first year of reported data for each of the three rollout phases to give building owners experience with reporting before their data is made publicly available.
What information will not be disclosed?
The ministry will not publicly disclose on a building-by-building basis total energy and water use, greenhouse gas emissions and gross floor area.
Do I need to report on the diesel or natural gas used for my emergency generator?
Yes. Building owners are required to report on all the energy sources listed in the regulation including fuels used for emergency generators.
Do I need to report at the building level or property level?
You can report either way. Building owners have the option to report at the building level as an alternative to reporting at the property level.
Note: This is only relevant when there is more than one building on a property that is required to report. If the owner decides to report at the building level, they will need to provide information on the size and use of the individual buildings so that an EWRB number can be assigned to each building. If the utility gives them aggregated consumption data for the property, they will need to decide how to allocate consumption between their buildings.
Is underground parking that is part of my building part of the gross floor area?
You will need to include underground parking in your gross floor area only if the parking space is not sub-metered. Portfolio Manager will estimate the amount of energy associated with the parking space and subtracts the amount before calculating the total.
If the parking space is sub-metered, do not include its energy consumption and gross floor area.
Sub-metering is the installation of metering devices with the ability to measure energy usage after the primary utility meter. Sub-metering offers the ability to monitor energy usage for individual tenants, departments, pieces of equipment or other loads individually to account for their actual energy usage.